Female Athletes That Could Snap You Like A Twig

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We spend a lot of time at TPS talking about the hottest women in sports, but of course there is a totally different facet to female athletes that merits discussion – many of them could beat the crap out of you. Granted men have a genetic advantage when it comes to strength, but that advantage will only take us so far when we are up against the likes of these women. So say what you will to them, but I recommend you be respectful an courteous, otherwise you could end up as a stain on the floor.
Just because she engaged in fake wrestling doesn’t mean she’s not a real bad-ass. I mean, just look at her. She’s huge. Is there anything else you need to know? Her arms are roughly the size of my thighs, and, in her heyday, she regularly lifted people up and threw them to the ground. Doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time, but if it does for you, I’ve got her number.
She’s the best-known female fighter for a reason. She made her debut to mainstream culture during the nationally televised CBS MMA exhibition and has shown herself to be a force ever since then. She may only be #3 in the world, but she’s #1 in our nightmares.
She’s actually kind of small, but don’t let the tight, small frame fool you. This woman earns her living throwing her body over a bar using a pole. Which means she could just as easily hand plant on your coffee table and kick you in the head. I’m not saying she would – she seems like a sweet girl – but she could.
Any female that’s got the Gracie DNA is going to be on this list with very few questions asked. Kira hasn’t gotten into MMA, but in the realms of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and grapping, she’s a world champion. So yeah I think she could take you in a fight. Hard. She’s also only 25 years old, which means she’s gonna get tougher, while you just get fatter.
5’6”, 123 lbs doesn’t sound THAT intimidating. Until you realizes that Julie uses every inch and pound to beat her opponents to a bloody pulp in MMA fights. She’s currently only ranked tenth in the circuit, but if you get a sense of confidence from that, you’re probably digging your own grave.

An American weightlifter, despite being only 5’1” and 130 lbs, happens to own most of the collegiate powerlifting records in our fair land. Her husband Jason is a weightlifter as well. I’d love to watch a domestic dispute at their place.

A 25 year-old Ukranian woman that can clean and jerk over 325 lbs is pretty intimidating. And in case you’re confused as to whether or not that’s all lean muscle…it’s not. She’s 5’11” and 368 lbs. She might be the only one on this list literally capable of snapping you like a twig.
This female wrestler (not WWE, the real kind) isn’t one to be trifled with. She’s 160 lbs, she competed in the Olympics in 2004 and her dad is in jail for 30 years for two counts of murder. So, uh, step right up.
Sure, it’s been a while since that moment when the US Women’s soccer team won the Women’s World Cup in 1999 and Brandi threw modesty to the wind and took her shirt off, it was pretty clear that she looked like she was carved from stone. You could grate parmesan on those abs. She may only be 5’7”, but she’s still playing pro soccer at age 42, and she’s still tougher than you are.
This one gets in on genetics alone. Even if her last name wasn’t Ali, she’s 5’10”, 160 lbs, and has scores of boxing titles to her name. 24-0 as a pro boxer. I’m not going to oversell her. She was the best female boxer in the world, and she could still kick your ass
She’s 26-1 as a professional boxer. What’s your record? Yeah, that’s what I thought. After sufficiently owning that league, she branched out into MMA. So go ahead and get a little rough with her. See what happens. I’ll even give you a tip. She’s a southpaw, so keep that right guard up.
Even Sports Illustrated has bequeathed her one of the 20 toughest athletes, regardless of gender. Since 1995, Hayley has been regarded as the best and toughest female hockey player in the game, having turned down many offers to play in men’s leagues throughout the world. Her reluctance to join wasn’t out of fear. Rather, she decided, at the age of 31 to go back to college and get her degree.
The lesser of the two Williams sisters is still not all that “less.” If there were any fights between these two as kids, I’m guessing that they involved broken bones and shattered furniture, not just pulled hair and scratches.
No surprise here. This half of the Williams sisters is clearly the larger, more dominant sister. There may be other women on this list that are stronger than her, but none of them would have as much fun lifting you above her head and twirling you around her head. Trust me, I’ve dealt with her before. Granted it was in a valet line, and she was very polite and nice, but still….I could tell she had a thirst for blood.
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